Have you registered for the 2024 BC School Counsellors' Association Conference yet? We will be meeting online and in-person at the Victoria Conference Centre on October 25th, 2024. You can read more about the workshops here.
This year's keynote speaker is Dr. Vidya Shah, who will also be hosting a retreat workshop called "Sitting at the Feet of Our Stories". This day-long retreat invites participants to reflect on what they might learn from their own stories personally and professionally. Drawing on the work of Circle of Trust through the Centre for Courage and Renewal, participants will have opportunities for rest, reflection, and renewal as they engage in guided reflective practices about how they have been storied through various systems of oppression and how they might re-story themselves to reclaim their power, identity, and integrity as educators, as mental health professionals, and as humans living and working in a complicated time. This session will be guided by Dr. Shah and Shirley Giroux (BCSCA VP-Wellness), who are both facilitators with the Centre for Courage and Renewal as well as seasoned educators.
Learn more about Dr. Shah by checking out her work:
Podcast: The UnLeading Project
Publication: Reforming for Racial Justice: A Narrative Synthesis and Critique of the Literature on District Reform in Ontario Over 25 Years Abstract: Ontario school districts are struggling to respond to racism in schooling and society. How has the literature on school district reform in Ontario addressed these ongoing and growing concerns? Through a narrative synthesis and a systematic literature review, we map and characterize the existing literature on school district reform in Ontario in the past 25 years. By combining systematic searches in main online databases with key journal and author search, we analyzed and coded a total of 95 documents. Framed through Critical Race Theory (CRT) and in conversation with recent studies on anti-racist district reforms in the United States, we conceptualize four approaches to district reform literature in Ontario: The Politics of Race Evasion, the Politics of Illusory Equity, the Politics of Representation and Recognition, and the Politics of Anti-Racist Resistance. The authors conclude with a commentary on the use of these conceptualizations in district operations and policies, as well as directions for future research. They also propose a potential fifth approach to district reform, The politics of Regeneration.